The Bringer of Old Age
Saturn Facts
- Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second
- distance from Sun: 1,429,400,000 km (9.54 AU)
- equatorial diameter: 120,536 km; polar diameter: 108,728 km
- mass: 5.688e26 kg
- In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture. The associated Greek god,
was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter).
Saturn is the root of the English word "Saturday" (see
Appendix 4).
- Saturn has been known since prehistoric times.
Galileo was the first to observe it with a
telescope in 1610; he noted its odd appearance but was confused by it.
Early observations of Saturn were
complicated by the fact that the Earth passes through the plane of Saturn's
rings every few years
as Saturn moves in its orbit. A
low resolution image of
Saturn therefore changes drastically.
It was not until 1659
that Christiaan Huygens correctly inferred
the geometry of the rings.
Saturn's rings remained unique in the known solar system
until 1977 when very faint rings were discovered around
Uranus and shortly
later around Jupiter and
- Saturn was first visited by Pioneer
11 in 1979 and later by
Voyager 1 and
Voyager 2.
- Saturn is visibly flattened when viewed through a small telescope
(picture 10); its oblateness
is almost 10%. This is the result of its rapid rotation and fluid state.
- Saturn is the least dense of the planets; its specific gravity (0.7) is less
than water (Saturn would float if you could find a big enough pond
to put it in).
- Like Jupiter, Saturn is about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with traces
of water, methane, ammonia and "rock", similar to the composition of the
primordial Solar Nebula
from which the solar system was formed.
- Saturn's interior is similar to Jupiter's consisting
of a rocky core, a liquid metallic hydrogen
layer and a molecular hydrogen layer. Traces of various
ices are also present.
- Saturn's interior is hot (12000 K at the core) and Saturn radiates
more energy into space than it receives from the Sun.
Most of the extra energy is generated by the
Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism as in Jupiter.
But this may not be sufficient to explain Saturn's luminosity; some additional
mechanism may be at work, perhaps the "raining out" of helium deep in
Saturn's interior.
- The bands so prominent on Jupiter are
much fainter on Saturn
(picture 2). They are also much wider near the equator.
Details in
the cloud tops are invisible from Earth so it was not until the
Voyager encounters that any detail of
Saturn's atmospheric circulation could be studied.
Saturn also exhibits long-lived
ovals and other features common on Jupiter.
In 1990, HST observed an enormous white cloud
has been observed near Saturn's equator which was not present during the Voyager
encounters; in 1994 another, smaller storm was observed.
- Two prominent rings (A and B) and one faint ring (C) can be seen from the Earth.
The gap between the A and B rings is known as the
division; the much fainter gap in the A ring is known as the Encke Gap
(picture 13).
The Voyager pictures show four
additional faint rings.
Saturn's rings, unlike the rings of the other planets, are very bright
(albedo 0.2 - 0.6).
- Though they look continuous from the Earth, the rings are actually composed of
thousands of small particles ranging in size from a centimeter or so to several
meters. A few kilometer-sized objects are also likely.
- Saturn's rings are extraordinarily thin: though they're 250,000 km or more in
diameter they're no more than 200 meters thick. Despite their impressive
appearance, there's really very little
material in the rings -- if the rings were
compressed into a single body it would be no more than 100 km across.
- The ring particles seem to be composed primarily of water ice, but they
may also include rocky particles with icy coatings.
- Voyager confirmed the existence of
radial inhomogeneities in the rings called "spokes" which were first reported
by amateur astronomers (picture 13).
Their nature remains a mystery, but may have something to do with Saturn's
magnetic field.
- Saturn's outermost ring, the F-ring, is a complex structure made up of two narrow,
braided, bright rings along which "knots" are visible
(picture 14). Scientists
speculate that the knots may be clumps of ring material, or mini moons.
- There are complex tidal resonances
between some of Saturn's moons and the
ring system: some of the moons, the so-called
"shepherding satellites" (i.e.
Prometheus and
are clearly important in keeping the rings
in place; Mimas seems to be responsible
for the paucity of material
in the Cassini division, which seems to be
similar to the
Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt;
Pan is located inside the Encke Gap.
The whole system is very complex and as yet poorly understood.
- The origin of the rings of Saturn (and the other jovian planets) is unknown.
Though they may have had rings since their
formation, the ring systems are not stable and must be regenerated by ongoing
processes, probably the breakup of larger satellites.
- Like the other jovian planets, Saturn has a significant magnetic field.
- When it is in the nighttime sky, Saturn is easily visible to the naked eye.
Though it is not nearly as bright as Jupiter, it is easy to identify as a planet
because it doesn't "twinkle" like the stars do.
The rings and the larger satellites are visible with a small astronomical telescope.
Mike Harvey's planet finder charts show the current position of Saturn (and the other planets) in the sky.
- (above) Saturn with Rhea and Dione
162k gif;
34k jpg
298k gif
Portion of Saturn with Tethys and Dione
85k gif;
14k jpg
looking back at Saturn
316k gif
- Large image of Saturn, B&W
358k gif
- Planet Saturn, best of the "pocket sized" views
113k gif
- Planet Saturn, full view of planet and rings
242k gif
- Planet Saturn, closer full view of planet and rings
236k gif
- Planet Saturn, with a moon passing over the surface
245k gif
- Saturn from HST
71k gif;
39k jpg
- Saturn from Nordic Optical Telescope
43k gif
Red Oval Cloud
103k gif;
16k jpg
- Close up of Saturn, showing cloud formations on the planet.
353k gif
Ring spokes (false color)
204k gif
Braided Rings
5k jpg;
31k gif
- Rings of Saturn, closeup of ring spokes
245k gif
- Rings of Saturn, even closer view of ring spokes
287k gif
- Spectacular false color image of the rings
130k jpg
- Ring diagram
101k gif
Edge-on rings and two moons from HST
64k gif
- ... moreSaturn images
- Red Saturn rotating and two satellites
82k fle
- Flyby of Saturn by Voyager 2
606k quicktime
- Storm on Saturn
186k mpg
- Saturn's Spokes in Rings
990k quicktime;
1300k AVI
Saturn's Satellites
Saturn has 18 named satellites, more than any other planet.
There may very well also be several small ones yet to be discovered.
- Of those moons for which rotation rates are known,
all but Phoebe and Hyperion rotate synchronously.
- The three pairs Mimas-Tethys, Enceladus-Dione and Titan-Hyperion interact
gravitionally in such a way as to maintian stable relationships between their
orbits: the period of Mimas's orbit is exactly half that of Tethys, they are thus
said to be in a 1:2 resonance;
Enceladus-Dione are also 1:2; Titan-Hyperion are in a 3:4 resonance.
- In addition to the 18 named satellites, at least
a dozen more have been reported and given
provisional designations.
Distance Radius Mass
Satellite (000 km) (km) (kg) Discoverer Date
--------- -------- ------ ------- ---------- -----
Pan 134 10 ? Showalter 1990
Atlas 138 14 ? Terrile 1980
Prometheus 139 46 2.70e17 Collins 1980
Pandora 142 46 2.20e17 Collins 1980
Epimetheus 151 57 5.60e17 Walker 1980
Janus 151 89 2.01e18 Dollfus 1966
Mimas 186 196 3.80e19 Herschel 1789
Enceladus 238 260 8.40e19 Herschel 1789
Tethys 295 530 7.55e20 Cassini 1684
Telesto 295 15 ? Reitsema 1980
Calypso 295 13 ? Pascu 1980
Dione 377 560 1.05e21 Cassini 1684
Helene 377 16 ? Laques 1980
Rhea 527 765 2.49e21 Cassini 1672
Titan 1222 2575 1.35e23 Huygens 1655
Hyperion 1481 143 1.77e19 Bond 1848
Iapetus 3561 730 1.88e21 Cassini 1671
Phoebe 12952 110 4.00e18 Pickering 1898
Distance Width Mass
Ring (km) (km) (kg)
---- -------- ----- ------
D 67000 7500 ?
C 74500 17500 1.1e18
B 92000 25500 2.8e19
Cassini division
A 122200 14600 6.2e18
F 140210 500 ?
G 165800 8000 1e7?
E 180000 300000 ?
(distance is from Saturn's center to the ring's inner edge)
This categorization is actually
somewhat misleading as the density of particles varies in a
complex way not indicated by a division into neat regions: there
are variations within the rings; the gaps are not entirely empty;
the rings are not perfectly circular.
More about Saturn and its Satellites
Open Issues
- How does Saturn generate its internal heat?
- What are the "spokes" in the rings?
- What is the origin of the rings? What does that tell us about the origin
of the solar system as a whole? Why are Saturn's rings so much more
dramatic than the others?
- If all goes well, the Cassini
mission will be launched in 1997 and
go into orbit around Saturn in 2004. In addition to an extensive
survey of Saturn and its major moons, it will drop a probe
(called Huygens, built by the European Space Agency) onto the surface
of Titan.
Express to Titan
... Sun
... Jupiter
... Sinope
... Saturn
... Pan
... Uranus
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 August 11